Arkansas Engagement Photos : Julianne + Anthony

It’s about dang time am I right? OK - so good stuff has happened. First off Max found a way for us to update this blog a whole lot faster - which means we’re back. Secondly, we’ve got a line up of basically gorgeous couples this year to blog and brag about and Instagram just keeps those pictures SO DANG SMALL, and third - WELL : I’ve got the itch to tell more stories and show more love for the sweet people who take us on adventures along side them! This blog is all about Julianne + Anthony, arguably two of the most beautiful people I know. (Let’s just be honest, that beard is near perfection.) Just about the only thing they could have done to elevate this shoot was to show up with a gorgeous vintage Porche or something (scroll down, they did). To know that we almost didn’t do this shoot is a hard reality. They weren’t sure they wanted an engagement session when we booked their wedding and I am so happy I had the chance to talk them out of that. One of my favorite engagement session in awhile, this whole afternoon was amazing. Like what you see? Drop a comment or a like below - you’d be surprised how important those little clicks are for our SEO!



New York Engagement Photography, Sunrise on the Brooklyn Bridge


Fairlane Station . Ashley + Jay