"Maybe you'll fall in love with me all over again." - Ernest Hemingway

I rarely find myself at a loss for words. After nearly a decade of doing this job week after week there’s a few things that I feel like I’ve finally wrapped my mind around. The key element of an entire wedding day for me is the story of the people within it. There’s only so much that can change from wedding to wedding in the details, but the people make every week completely unique. That said, as I work away on this beautiful wedding I struggle with even where to start telling the story. 

Megan + Kyle are the kind of couple photographers dream of. The thing is - I don’t think most photographers spend enough time thinking about what they want to realize what they’re dreaming about. This wasn’t a million dollar ocean side wedding - instead it was a day completely full of story. Details, emotions, relationships, and moments completely define the way I look at a wedding day. I put them in that order because I’m nowhere near cheesy enough to use the acronym “dream” but the fact of the matter is these five elements to me decide whether a day photographs well. If you notice four out of those five things are completely based on the people. Megan is a big personality but ironically wrapped in a fairly shy smile. She isn’t the type of girl who craves attention but she’s also confident in how beautiful she is and comfortable being present in a moment that is about her. (As long as that moment doesn’t go on for too long). I can say from the very first moment I watched her and Kyle together it was obvious to me why he is so hooked (and if you know them at all you know he is HOOKED). She’s the type of girl who will watch football with you, drink a beer with you, laugh with you, walk and hang out with you, let you have time with your buddies, and still is every bit girlie and cute enough to look like a million bucks on a friday night date. I get the feeling she pushes Kyle on his own comfort zone from time to time which is about the best thing a wife can do, but there’s a comfort to this relationship that is really amazing to watch. Megan doesn’t get stressed, as near as I can tell about anything - BUT she does get anxious and the second she saw Kyle for the first time you could almost feel her relax into him. 

Kyle on the other hand is just an all around good guy. This guy loves football (though he has terrible taste in teams), he’s super sarcastic with an amazing dry humor that kept me laughing most of the day. He’s 100% confident in who he is and what he wants and the only thing that caught him off guard for a second all day was that first look. Kyle’s not the type of guy to stand in a puddle of his own tears on his wedding day - but the emotion there was completely honest and so real. The amazing thing about that moment was how fleeting it was but how long the reactions lasted. Kyle is comfortable with Megan, and he’s perfectly willing to do whatever makes her happy - even if that’s missing the 4th quarter on a Mizzou game.

This wedding day was beautiful. The elements were all there for us - beautiful couple, beautiful light, great venues, and a fun wedding party. But what resonated with me most was all of the relationships in the room. Megan’s friends are about as sweet as a group of girls come. No drama between them, and no need for me to rearrange the schedule 3 or 4 times because they weren’t ready. These girls were on top of every moment they needed to be and right up to their walk back down the aisle after Kyle kissed Megan in front of all of their friends and family these ladies didn’t stop smiling. (At that point, the wine helped keep the smiles going). The families on both sides were amazing and kind and the reception was perfect. Not over the top, but beautiful in every little detail. 

A HUGE thanks to Megan + Kyle for bringing us up the road a ways to be a part of this amazing adventure with you guys. Thanks for trusting us to catch so many special seconds for you guys and thanks for inviting us in to feel like a big part of the entire process! Cheers - Miles.


