Ben Hartley you guys. The most dynamic, most interesting, most energy packed educator in the photography space shows up in a real way in this episode. I asked Ben to have this chat with me to talk about how he has shifted his social media focus to a much more community minded approach over the last several years but what I got instead was, true to form, an intense purpose filled conversation with a brilliant mind that went much deeper. Ben is absolutely hilarious but his comedy only aids his perspective that when we show up as our best selves, when we are intentional about lifting up the communities and friends and people right around us, and when we act with integrity the results are always positive.
Whether you've found Ben because of the Six Figure Photography Podcast, or his Mastermind Group, or the Booked Solid workshop series, or Abundance, or heard him on a platform stage at WPPI, or this is your first experience diving into the mind of this amazing friend of mine let me tell you directly : Ben is one of the most authentically kind people I know. This conversation all centers around his perspectives on the "long game", showing up every day in an industry that you love with your best work, your best intentions, and your most positive outlook. You'll hear throughout this chat a general perspective that is pretty counter cultural to the wedding / portrait photography industry these days that says, more than likely you already have all that you need baked into you to succeed. Ben's vision as a coach is just to help you navigate through the garbage standing in your way and that perspective is as bold as it is beautiful.
Grab a coffee for this one, a notebook, and prepare to just be filled up with some goodness.
The Photographic Collective Podcast is a production of PhotoCo, hosted by Arkansas based Photography team Miles Witt Boyer and Jared Mark Fincher. To join the Photographic Collective, a FREE community filled with positive, intentional conversations for the photo/video industry simply click over to https://www.mileswittboyer.com/photoco/hq

We can’t continue to pretend to be perfect If we want to Increase the value of our brand and our connections with our clients. This episode Is all about a dumb mistake I made on a shoot recently and how quickly I had to work to make sure It didn’t unravel a great client relationship!

Turning Disappointment into Growth // TOM WRIGHT
What happens to your career when you become more focused on being successful than serving your clients? Sometimes we need to remember that every time we're told no it doesn't mean we're on the wrong path. Sometimes a disappointing result can be the catalyst for enormous opportunity.

JAI LONG : Being Right 51% of the time | Episode 35
The most intentional and in depth conversation with Jai Long I have heard. Jai is world renown as one of the most prolific educators, podcasters, and artists in the photographic industry and yet his back story has just barely been told. The philosophy that drives Jai is a relentless pursuit of self growth and accepting failures while pursuing success and this episode is packed full of amazing perspectives from him.

Rebecca Bradley + Narrative // Follow your own path
Narrative is one of the most innovative companies serving the photographic industry today and Rebecca is not only a remarkable photographer and artist in New Zealand she is also one of the most well known faces of this brand. This chat is such an incredible look into how telling stories is evolving for photographers across platforms.

Miles Witt Boyer // Be well - Do good.
Learning to listen to fatigue, pursuing passion, being kind to ourselves, finding balance. This season 2 break is all about equilibrium.

Igor Demba + Tom Wright // Purpose and Positivity in Photography
Igor Demba and Tom Wright need no introduction. These are two of the most known, most eloquent photographers in the industry these days and I can trace the origin on this podcast right back to early conversations with them. Friends, colleagues, and brothers with these two.

Nadia Meli : Coming Back to Yoursel
An emotional and intentional conversation with London based photographer Nadia Meli. Nadia is a deeply passionate person with a heart for healing and a unique eye for creativity. Her love for humanity and love shines in this candid conversation.

He's one of the biggest names in mindset and business coaching in the photographic industry. Ben Hartley has not only elevated his own career as a photographer to continually new heights over the last ten years, he has spent most of it intentionally inviting people to join him and to be frank - his ideas are a bit radical. Showing up every day and giving free education, free mindset tips, free perspective to thousands of people in his mastermind group, managing a booming workshop and mentor training program, continuing to run what is widely recognized as one of the top wedding photography studios in the world, and being an incredibly involved dad and husband sounds like a lot, but Ben is just really hitting his stride. This guy's energy, positivity, and perspective are filled with purpose and intentionally and in this talk we chat through not only a bit of his backstory but how he found the courage to really pursue success at this level. I found Ben through the Six Figure Photography Podcast years ago and long before I ever even dreamed of being on the other end of the microphone I knew I wanted to build a relationship with this guy to better understand him. Here we are years later, close friends and I now get the opportunity to share a bit of his wisdom, his big laugh, and his joy with our listeners

Everybody knows the name... Jonas Peterson is this larger than life photographer who’s style not only help define the way so many artists shoot but who arguably helped to shift the direction of the entire industry almost over night. A successful advertising mind, an educator, a prolific speaker, a personality that has become so attached with the wedding photography community. What people may not always get the chance to see however is the way that Jonas’ eye as a photographer, his perspective on the humanity of his clients, and his vision for the importance of images and video in our lives is so beautifully unique.

The Come Up : ft. JOHN BRANCH IV
Whether it's because of YouTube or a Fujifilm endorsement, being named a Rangefinder 30 Rising Star in 2021, or just a wildly hungry and humble heart there's no doubt about it. John Branch IV is on the map. This sit down with John is all about the hunger he has and the perspective he has found that have shaped him as a create, first in the music industry and now as a wedding photographer. There is something so powerful about getting to know a guy like John well. His talent and his ability to articulate something in a way that is both relevant and still unique is inspiring and his ability to juggle two different voices speaking directly to his wedding clients who have hired him to hold a camera and simultaneously to the photo industry and youtube community who approach him as an educator is second to none.

Driven By Progression featuring special guest Pye Jirsa
This episode with Pye Jirsa was a beautifully unscripted walk through his journey as a photographer, founder of SLR Lounge, educator and author with a perfect view into what has driven him to pursue so many things so successfully.

Five Things All Photographers Need
Ok clickbait. This is not exactly the most sought after list of must haves ever. In fact, these five things are more like “five things I love having as a part of photography business” instead of “five things every photographer needs” but I digress.

Photographers : You Don't Need Social Media || PCP18
Photographers : You Don't Need Social Media || PCP18

Letting Your Photography Go Deeper. Special Guest Marcos Sanchez || PCP17
Letting Your Photography Go Deeper. Special Guest Marcos Sanchez || PCP17

Taking time to tell the untold stories. Leaning into the power of photography with special guest Petronella Lugemwa.
Imagine being a photographer with such an incredible passion for storytelling that you can't help but cry simply at the thought of it. We live in an age where we are literally…

Why does photography matter? Special Guest Alison Conklin
Step outside of the business and the editorial and the perfectly polished photoshopped images that clutter up Pinterest and nearly every magazine and blog and repost site on the internet and you're left with this one question. WHY? Why does photography matter?

Becoming a Full Time Photographer. Five Key Steps with Special Guest David Kovacs
The jump into full time photographer can be a pretty scary one to make. Timing is everything but having the courage to understand when you're ready to turn your part time passion into a full time profession is easier said than done. In this episode…

Finding a healthy work life balance. Special Guest Ellie McKinney
YOU WORK TOO MUCH. This special episode is all about Thanksgiving and taking time to enjoy the holidays. We're sitting down again with positive Polly herself Ellie McKinney to talk about all she's up to with Psyched Society, her wedding photography, growing an online photographer's educational platform and still taking time to be present in her personal life.

How to diversify your photography company with guest Jason Vinson
This week I sit down with an absolute legend. He's a writer for F-Stoppers and DVLP presets, a winner of Fearless Photographer's awards and has been named several times one of the top wedding photographers in the world for his ability to pair authentic capture with remarkable and unique lighting techniques.