CONNECTION Lauren + Zach

"You can’t blame gravity for falling in love."

—Albert Einstein

PERFECT. No need for a deep long story here. Lauren is the fourth bride in a group of friends to bless us with the chance to be a part of her wedding. Every single girl in this group is beautiful, kind, and so loving and this session certainly didn't disappoint. I try as hard as I can to plan as little as possible with these sessions. I don't want my self, my taste, my eye to take over - but in stead I want to interpret a love between two people that's completely unique. These two laugh hard, and loud, but also have a super deep relationship. Zach is an intense guy and the way he holds Lauren leaves only enough room for the two of them to breathe. It's pretty amazing to watch Lauren's big bold smile take over a moment and then in the next how quickly Zach and consume her entire world. I can't wait to be a part of this wedding - but first enjoy a few pretty little moments of them together. -Miles.


CONNECTION Courtney + Dom
