WEDDING STORY. Tracy + Chris

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”

I could write a novel about this couple... I guess it’s fair to mention that if you read this quote much you know I could write a novel about most people. But Tracy isn’t most people. In fact, Tracy is quite possibly one of the most unique people I’ve ever met. Her personality isn’t just big, it’s explosive. Her confidence is full found in her big smile and loud laugh. This girl is talented, creative, beautiful, and so bold. In fact I can definitely say that for as big of a catch as Tracy is, there aren’t many guys I know that could keep up with her. I’m not saying a guy would have to be patient (though I think he probably would), but a guy would have to be bold, confident, strong to be Tracy’s counterpart. This is a type A girl who really does command a room and then - with a subtle confidence that is completely evident, and yet wildly understated.. There’s Chris. This guy is a stud. He’s crisp, strong, smart, and quick but doesn’t beg for attention. 

When I first met with Tracy about this wedding I was instantly hooked. Her concept and design sense is absolutely on point and when I found out that she was hiring Amanda Reed (Bates-Reed Brides) to bring her ideas to life I couldn’t have been more excited. This wedding was gorgeous and so unique. The day itself was pretty a few distinct things. 1. LOUD. This group of friends is so expressive and SO excited about life and I loved every second. 2. LATE. Tracy - for being one of my favorite brides of the year, will undoubtedly be late to her own funeral. This girl is notoriously late BUT don’t worry. I planned for it, and it just barely affected the photos. 3. COORDINATED. We go to a few weddings… (Pause for ironic affect). And we dance at a lot of wedding… I can say without a doubt that I’m fairly sure I was the worst dancer in the room at this wedding and it just barely slowed me down. Max and I had a blast with Tracy’s friends and from the first step Tracy made down the aisle, to the first tear Chris let go before he saw her… From the first loud hit of bass out of the dj’s speakers to the first flower petal thrown at Tracy + Chris on their way through the crowd, I am so flattered to have been the first photographer on her list. So grateful for these friends, and all of the other friends they invited to be a part of this wedding with us! Beautiful flowers, amazing DJ, incredible food, and a perfectly executed wedding!




CONNECTION Carolyn + Dalton