I'll admit it's a bit of a new vision on a company we've nursed slow and steady from the very beginning. Putting what we're doing into words hasn't been easy to me and then this fell into my lap. It's not so much about the words - in all honesty I don't care if we call ourselves a production company, a photography company, or a collective. But the spirit behind our company has been for some time different than those around us and finding a way to highlight on our vision is something we're all excited about. So - here's a little bit of what we're talking about to catch you up...

WEDDINGS have been my bread and butter for years. It's not just that I prefer to shoot weddings, in all honesty I'm just better at them. There's something about the pace that keeps my A.D.D. at bay. If you're around me for about 5 minutes you'll notice how relational I am. Truth be told I'm pretty shy in reality but there's something about a camera in my hands that opens up my confidence around people. Needless to say as you poke around on our site you'll notice that weddings continue to be our backbone. In fact all of our photo and video team focuses on weddings but it's pretty cool to watch this little company that Melissa and I started so many years ago branching out into a few other things as well.

SENIORS : Our EVOLVE brand launched in 2014 under our main company as a chance for Delyn to carve his place in our family. He's been shooting weddings either with me or for me for a few years now but his heart is in pretty high end portrait. To be honest I didn't realize the room there was in the senior photo industry for a high end alternative until he showed me. He's slammed now with cool kids from all over our area (and a few who are bringing him pretty far to them). We're super proud of what he's managed to pull off and his work completely speaks for itself.

COMMERCIAL : At the beginning of this year I sat down with Max for a quick meeting to chat through what he wanted to take on this year. He's really a photo-journalist at heart but his event photography is spot on and I was surprised to find out how interested he was in pursuing some of our corporate clients more aggressively. We've been working with companies like Walmart, Nestle, and Johnson & Johnson for years but having Max focused on providing high end commercial and event photography for the corporate world around us is pretty exciting.

VIDEO : Dave was an incredibly welcomed addition to our team in 2013. Freshly back from LA and packed full of creative ideas on how he can turn the wedding video industry into a more artistic and more progressive concept we were anxious to back up his concepts. In 2015 you'll be seeing us shooting coast to coast with a few international locations sprinkled in. Dave's video team will be headed from Seattle to Pensacola and all over in between this year.

SO - welcome a new concept to our company. We'll always be branded under my name (though I've said for years that Melissa doesn't get the credit she deserves since I would still be a dinky little company in a one bedroom apartment without her) but we want to make sure we're always creating a home and a hub for our team to pursue their creative endeavors and ideas all while being based with a company that continues to drive the wedding industry toward something a little more awesome.

We're absolutely so excited to be a team on this journey together and humbled that you're following along. Welcome to a new blog, and a whole new feeling to our little corner of the internet. We're glad you're here. 

SO - welcome a new concept to our company. We'll always be branded under my name (though I've said for years that Melissa doesn't get the credit she deserves as my company was going nowhere before she jumped in) but we want to make sure we're always creating a home and a hub for our team to pursue their creative endeavors and ideas all while being based with a company that continues to drive the wedding industry toward something a little more awesome. 

We're absolutely so excited to be a team on this journey together and humbled that you're following along. I want to personally thank our friends and employees for believing in this trip with us. Delyn was picked up a few years ago as a Starbucks barista and is now not only one of my closest friends, he also is affecting so many lives with an artform he's so passionate about and we couldn't be more proud of him! (We're also excited to welcome his fiance Megan to the family and honored to be shooting their wedding in October!) Max was the one student I had at JBU that seems to have picked up every work I was stumbling through. His talent with a camera is matched with design skill and a servants heart that is so willing to do what is asked day after day even when it's not super glamorous. Dave has opened up a whole new realm of capacity for our company with video. He continually inspires me to see things in a whole new way. And finally my amazing wife, best friend, and partner in everything. Melissa is the most beautiful gift God could have possibly put in my life. I honestly don't know how she juggles being a mom, a full time career woman, and juggling my crazy ideas. I always wish she was around more these days, but absolutely love that we have somebody with her amazing mind and talents. I live in awe of her.

 Welcome to a new blog, and a whole new feeling to our little corner of the internet. We're glad you're here. 


