Andrea. southern bridal sessions

"The best things in life
can never be kept;
They must be given away.
A Smile, a Kiss, and Love"

- Tony Farrar 

I couldn't help but post twice today. While I was busy shooting Abbey's wedding on Saturday Delyn + Max were running around shooting with this amazing girl. Andrea has been a friend of mine since college and when I had the opportunity to shoot her little sister's wedding several years ago I was instantly brought into one of the kindest families I've ever know. Truth be told when I found out that I wasn't going to be at this wedding I was pretty sad. Don't get me wrong - my weekend was amazing and I wouldn't have traded a minute with Abbey + Grant, but to miss a friends wedding is always a bummer. That said, it's such a blessing to be able to offer families like Andrea's the option of working with the rest of my team and Delyn + Max are not just as much of a part of the Peerson family as I have ever been. Andrea is amazing inside and out and I'll brag on her a bit since I won't have the chance to actually share anything about her wedding. (I usually save the long drawn out blog posts for weddings). This session was amazing from start to finish and I couldn't have been happier to leave Andrea and her parents smiling ear to ear with these photos of her in the most beautiful time in her life. One of the neatest parts of my year so far was the chance to swing by for about 45 seconds of Andrea + Kyle's wedding on Saturday for just long enough to see the first look. A completely beautiful few minutes to get to witness. So honored to have had my team be a part of this wedding and anxious to see all of the photos that Delyn + Max took but for now. Here's a few of my favorite shots from her bridal session a few weeks ago!


Haley + Hayden. The best day ever


Abbey. southern bridal sessions