Bridal Beautiful. Sarah

“I love you because no two snowflakes are alike, and it is possible, if you stand tippy-toe, to walk between the raindrops. ” 
― Nikki Giovanni

There's a reason Sarah was dubbed "the dream" by all of her vendors. This amazing girl is as kind as she is beautiful and her wedding day was absolutely perfect. In fact watching her walk down the aisle to Josh with tears in his eyes was only one  of a million things that went right last Saturday but before we get into the wedding day we couldn't wait to share a few of our photos from Sarah's bridal session. 

We woke up on the day of this session to an 80% chance of rain and only a few days before the wedding. There wasn't room for anything to go wrong so after a few pep talks about how I promised to keep the dress clean, and a morning of Sarah getting dolled up, we were off with Sarah's mom and sister (and Delyn) to make the best of the weather. I'll avoid a chance to soap box here about photographers who get too afraid of weather or dark clouds but what I will say is this : sometimes you don't have a choice except to be a professional. I have no problem being called the "raintographer" simply because shooting on days like this takes the skill notch up a bit. I love a challenge and love that I had the chance to remind Sarah just why she hired us. 

Amazing session and amazing bride. Check back in soon for a glimpse at this amazing wedding but for today - soak up some pretty! 


WEDDING STORY. Sydney + Clinton


Wedding Story. Brantly + Allen