"It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together." - Sleepless in Seattle

GUEST BLOGGING TODAY by our very own MAX who's been in Seattle shooting and videoing with Dave for the last few days. Pretty amazing to watch our little company grow the way it has and to see these two not only head across the country for a beautiful wedding but also have the chance to do two couple's sessions and meet up with one of our biggest commercial clients all in the five days they're away from the office has been a big opportunity. When Max told me that Daniel, another one of my students from my teaching days at JBU, was going to be proposing while they were all in Seattle ironically at the same time I was so excited to see what he would do with this session. We all poke fun a bit at Max for his obsession with photographers in the Seattle, Portland, Vancouver area so I'm excited to see him have a chance to shoot where the light so fits his artistic eye. I won't go on forever - Max does an amazing job of telling the story of this shoot at the end of this blog post but first sit back and enjoy a little bit of Seattle via my desk in Arkansas. Proud of this young photographer and how far he has come since joining our company a few years ago. His clients are certainly blessed to have him behind the camera - cheers. -Miles.

If you have kept up with my photography at all over the last year you might have noticed how much I model my mood from Pacific Northwest photographers. I love the dark and moody emotion that these photographers bring to their photography. A lot of that emotion happens to be environment, and accomplishing that look can be hard in sunny Arkansas. When I found out that Daniel and Emily, two friends of mine from college, were going to be up in Seattle during the same time that Dave and I would be videoing a wedding, I was excited that Daniel wanted me to do an engagement style shoot for them. I was so pleased to find out that he had planned to ask Emily to be his wife while they were up here. Less than 48 hours after she said yes we were all out on a little adventure shooting these photos!

There is something in the way these two rest in each others arms. You can just read through these photos, these two beautiful people are in love. It's been pretty cool being able to watch them, from a distance, for the 14 moths as they went from friends to dating. I really got to see Daniel a dear college friend of mine, be so at peace when in these little moments with his wife to be. Emily and I worked together in college and got to be close friends during that state in our lives. To see her smile with the most heart felt and genuine emotion I think I have seen on a bride to be. All in all I'm pretty grateful to see God leading these two friends into a life of marriage with Him at the helm. Heres to one of my favorite shoots I think I have ever done, with the Seattle Skyline falling off in the background and a phenomenal couple in focus! Congratulations you two! -Max




PLAY DATE. Jennifer + Chris