“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” 
― Ernest Hemingway

(From Miles) - So excited to give over the blog this morning to our very own Max Grubb as he chats a bit about this session. I fell in love with Katherine + Bryan's connection from the first shot Max showed me and his comments at the end of the post on how we ask our clients to trust us are spot on. We're so blessed to have this guy as a part of our team now shooting so many of his own couples and traveling all over shooting still and video with our team. Soak up some beautiful this morning!

I met Katherine and Bryan for the first time a little over a week ago. This sweet couple showed how much they were willing to trust me right from the get go simply with the questions they asked at our initial consultation and how quickly they considered my suggestions. A key element to how we shoot is the level of trust we develop with our clients. Whether that is trusting us to take the photos that tell their story accurately or allowing us to take control of their entire day with building out timelines, we push for our clients to trust that we will single out and capture the big and bold or soft and sweet aspects of their personality. The communications required to keep us in the loop with what they consider important and developing the common goal of making their wedding the best we have ever done is foundational to the way we work. It was fun to see Katherine trust that I would pick locations that would tell their love in a way that even they might not have seen at first. If you have had the chance to go on a shoot with us, you may have noticed that some of our locations can seem less jaw dropping in person. But then…, we snap that shot of you and your beloved and you are transported into our world as we show you the photo in camera. Learning to see the ordinary as unique is something that makes a photographer an artist. Katherine and Bryan trusted me from our first location that these photos were going to be great. They were willing to cross water to get into the middle of a river, or to climb the side of bluffs to reach the top, or to just sit in a crowded downtown scene and let all the noise drop off and be in that moment with each other. Some of our best works comes when we, as photographers have the freedom to simply do our job. This freedom, however only comes with the trust from our clients that we know what we are doing and that we will not disappoint. I am so excited to be apart of Katherine and Bryan’s story. From these photos you can see the playful, happy, deep joy filled love that these two share for each other. I am so excited for December 13, 2015 when I get to watch these two come together as one in Christ.

Follow more of Max's adventures on Instagram @grubbw

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Wedding Story. Brantly + Allen


Connection Kristen + Luke