“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” 
― Terry Pratchett

We spend a lot of our lives on the road. Sometimes that road is a little longer than others but regardless of where we are for work we make a point to learn something about where we are and enjoy the view while we're there. It's not about taking vacations, these aren't vacations they're little adventures. Time spent learning about people, culture, nature, and light does nothing but make us better at our jobs but also gives us a chance to soak up a little bit of the time spent working. We've got a lot of travel under our belts this year and a lot coming up but this trip that Max and Dave took to video a wedding in Seattle took on a whole different feel while they were there.

The trip started as a wedding weekend but the near thing about our jobs these days is how small our world is. It didn't take long for us to round up a few other shoots for Max and Dave while they were in town and one wedding quickly turned into two other couple's sessions (including hanging out with a freshly engaged friend of ours just a few days after he popped the question and catching up with one of our favorite couples from St. Louis earlier this year) and a chance for Max to meet up and tour the offices of one of our largest commercial clients (Kontent Partners). Mix that in with a few hikes to see the sights and shoot some shots for our buddies at Lowepro & Joby (who supply all of our bags and camera accessories) as well as a pro soccer game and some time at the first Starbucks and this weekend was pretty packed for Dave and Max. 

It's a pretty packed world full of work for everybody these days. We're not ones to stop and smell the roses for too long, but if those roses are at the top of a long trail or next to a neat coffee shop you can bet we'll at least swing by! Thanks for checking in and expect so many more adventures soon! In the mean time - if you're stuck in a cubicle wondering what the summer sun feels like on a back road - get out and enjoy your life! You may only live this adventure once and if you miss it - you won't get it back.


PLAY DATE. price is right


WEDDING STORY. Johanna + Rusty