“If I were to live a thousand years, I would belong to you for all of them. If we were to live a thousand lives, I would want to make you mine in each one.”Michelle Hodkin

I think that most of us like to see the people around us happy. The truth is that we get so used to the whole "Hey how are you?" ..."I'm Great!" game that it doesn't every seem to really occur to us whether those people are really happy or not. We live in a society where our pace of life mixed with our selfishness tends to override the desire to truly care about other people. Over the last 9 years of shooting weddings I can definitely say that there's been a lot of clients who I've invested so much of myself into but I've known going into the wedding that though we were best friends in the weeks prior and though I was going to do everything I could to make sure they loved their images we would likely not be life long friends. On the other hand, there's a few clients who I care so much about that keeping up with them is a major part of the reason I love my job. Beau is one of three brothers who I've been pretty blessed to call friends for years now. These aren't guys I knew in college or buddies I met out at a sports bar somewhere, they're all friends who know me simply because I'm the camera guy and yet between them and their amazing parents I've been pulled into the family in a way that I don't think I could leave if I wanted to. Beau, Blake, and Brock are three of the most sarcastic and yet caring guys I've ever known - no surprise considering their mom and dad are absolutely hilarious and completely perfect together. When Blake got engaged earlier this year I couldn't imagine any other company shooting their photos but sadly I was already booked on their date and though they're in great hands with Delyn I'm sad to miss the big day. Then a few months later Beau put the ring on Blair's finger and it was essentially the same story. So to make up for missing both of these guy's wedding (and the chance to hang out with one of my closest friends DJ BROCK [brother number 3]) I volunteered to shoot both of their engagement sessions. 

Blair + Beau are kind of perfect together. Her quick humor keeps him on his toes (this whole family is one of the most sarcastic groups of people I've ever been around - even grandma) and yet she's super sweet to him. Beau on the other hand is completely PlayDo in Blair's hands. He'll kill me for saying that - and I hope his brothers give him a hard time - but it's totally true. This is a guy who's found every little element of love he was hoping for in Blair and he's perfectly willing to put that on his sleeve and wear it. So for two hours we wandered around, told stories and laughed, and just enjoyed the early summer sun together all the while taking pictures. The crazy thing - the wedding is next weekend! I can definitely admit that I'll miss being a part of this wedding and I'm pretty sad to not see Blair all dolled up on her way down the aisle but to have been a part of Blake and Beau's engagement photos has been pretty humbling and I can't wait to hear about the wedding from Max when he's finished. A HUGE thank you to the Short family for taking me in as one of the fellas so many years ago, to Brock, Blake, + Beau for always allowing me to handle photos for you guys, and especially to Blair for trusting us with the cameras on such important days!  


