Dallas Wedding Story. Hanna + Jeff

“The artist never entirely knows —

We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark” ~Agnes de Mille

To travel around from wedding to wedding hasn't always been a dream of mine. If I'm honest becoming a wedding photographer was something I was pretty against as a young photographer and yet it's the only outlet I've ever found that gives me the complete creative freedom that I absolutely love. Learning to juggle the line between editorial and documentary work is a challenge every single day and doing it at location after location that I've never seen before makes it so much more fun. When Max and I took off on Saturday morning for the 5 hour drive down to Aubrey Texas we had really no idea what to expect other than that Hanna + Jeff are absolutely amazing together. This couple are about as close to the Barbie and Ken couple I can imagine and their love for eachother as well as their sense of humor makes working with them so much fun but it wasn't until we pulled into the Milestone Mansion in Aubrey just before sunset the day before the wedding that we knew just how beautiful this wedding really was going to be. 

From the moment we started the next day the day was perfect. Hanna and all of her girls are a blast. This group of girls were not only excited have us there and incredibly happy to be a part of such a big day for Hanna they had absolutely zero drama all day and were completely on time. At one point we were running just about 10 minutes behind schedule and Hanna (being one of my very favorite brides ever) stopped the candid action that was going on to get everybody focused. If you've been in the wedding world much you know that 10 minutes behind is essentially WAY ahead on most weekend so for us to have a bride so willing to keep up with the plan was amazing. From the moment she saw her husband to be that day the moments kept getting more beautiful. Jeff is so gentle with her and though he is loud and fun with his guys around the couple's session was completely focused on a the gravity of the moments of the day.

The ceremony was short and beautiful but the moment the reception started we knew just how incredible the day was going to be. This group knows how to party and truth be told it wouldn't have mattered if the DJ had played music in another language this group would have danced. As the dancefloor turned up the weather turned crazy outside and with a big storm rolling in we knew we had to try and capture something unique for Hanna + Jeff. About 5 minutes out in the lightning with these two and Max popped off a shot that completely blew my mind. The lightning bolt in the background was a lighting miracle and will go down as a favorite shot for sure. Long story short being a part of this wedding was amazing. We always love Dallas but when we met with Hanna + Jeff and then hung out with them a year (to the day) before their big day at another incredible wedding (Haley + Hayden) we knew this was going to be an incredible day. We absolutely love Hanna + Jeff (and Haley + Hayden) and hope to have many more chances to be a part of events with this amazing group of friends.


