TRAVEL . New York City

So I have been struggling lately to keep up with my blog. I say that there is not enough time in the day and realistically that is a lame excuse. I have no idea if I will be able to do a blog a day or if I can even do a blog every three days. But like the quote says every journey starts with one step. Now that I have done that I just have to keep stepping. I hope that you all enjoy seeing the shots I got from my personal time on this last weekends trip to NYC. So here goes...

As much fun as we have traveling, we also can not let it take away from work to much. So we carve time away to edit, and catch up on as much as we can. 

I am sure the people behind me on the plane thought I was such a creep when I took this shot...but look at the lighting.

I mean let's all be honest, Delyn and I were SO excited to be in the City and exploring for a few hours.'s no London tube system, but great effort NYC.

This little guy is going to get a lot of use this summer. Three trips to NYC area.

You should follow the snaps (@grubbw for me, @delyn.nyled for Delyn) to late now for this trip...but future purpose, its worth it.

I realize this photo my technically be blur, and you're right, but the pace of life in the city is a blur. Also, can you spot Delyn?

This man was so mad, the lights kept going out on him while he was reading. He finally gave up trying.

That cello player is stoked to be playing!

People were to absorbed by not caring to hear the great vibes going.


I have been trying to play around with shooting reflections lately, I don't let it consume my life, but I always see it. (this is probably going to be a future blog post)

Everything in this photos, from the stroller being carried up the stairs to the grandma carefully walking down them on the other side. I love this shot.

An H&M this large, I couldn't pass up the chance to suit up.

Guarantee he was watching us like a hawk. 

This building was absolutely amazing to just look up at and stair.

"So we can walk even when it says no?...I guess so"

There I go sliver lighting things again!

I don't know if America truly runs on Dunkin' but I know I did this morning.

Well done Dodge, you've made me want to Journey (horrible pun...since this was the Dodge Journey)

Like I said...snapchat! And no mom, we didn't snap and drive!

This guy was looking like a bad mamajamma in his old school Mercedes and his big ole' cigar.  

So I hope that you all enjoyed the little bits of NYC that you got to see from this trip. I will be heading back at least two more times this summer, so if there is anything you all want to see through my camera while I am there let me know. I will try to make it happen for you all. (Leave those in the comments below) 

I will say the next two trips seem even more packed than this one did, didn't realize that was possible, and I am so excited for them all. I can't wait for you all to get to see the beautiful wedding that was shot on Saturday in Norwalk CT. Delyn is a boss and its always a pleasure getting to shoot with him and for his couples. Keep an eye out on his blog for the wedding day role out. I may even let you all see some of the shots I'm pumped about personally! 


DAILY . Onyx
