Courtney. Bridal Beautiful. Dancing in the Rain

"That love is all there is is all we know of love.” - Emily Dickinson

Maybe my favorite bridal session ever. I don't even know how to say that definitively because I've done so many hundreds of bridal shoots - but - if I could possibly rank them all in my mind, this would be near the very top. Let me paint the picture just a bit. It's raining during this shoot, not just sprinkling - a solid downpour. Don't believe me : Check it.

YES : I'm aware - we all look like drowned rats in these shots, but the idea here was pretty simple and yet completely amazing. Courtney's dress was cotton - which means we don't have to worry about it getting wet. I think the majority of girls get in their head that they instantly look like crap in the rain, or that somehow the mud is going to jump off of the ground and splatter itself all over their dress but the reality is that the light on these days is MAGIC and if you have the wherewithal to trust us as your photographers we'll make some magic out of it. Courtney couldn't have been more excited about this situation - in fact when I called to ask if she "wanted" to reschedule, she very awkwardly said - "not unless we have to". I loved that response - the truth is we were mindful of the rain here. We had umbrellas and tarps, an indoor location (abandoned house with very creepy surroundings but amazing light inside). We had a plan and we executed it completely but the thing that makes any plan amazing is flexibility. I could go on and on and on about Courtney and her ability to roll with a situation. The truth is her and Dom's wedding photos are going to drop a lot of jaws. As beautiful as this shoot was - it doesn't do her wedding justice and I can't wait to share that soon either. If you want one piece of advice from this team of photographers as a bride : hire photographers you TRUST to create art out of these moments in your life, and then TRUST them to do what you hired them to do. TRUST the process, TRUST the result, and TRUST that all of the insecurities, anxieties, nerves, and doubts going into a shoot are the things holding that shoot back from being amazing. HUGE THANKS to Courtney for checking all of her fears at the door, stepping out into the rain (literally) and dancing in it.


Focused on Christ. Emily + Andrew's Wedding Story
