New Jersey Part 1. Natasha + Brian's Rehearsal Dinner

“Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke

I'm not sure I've ever blogged a rehearsal dinner before. Then again - to be fair - I don't shoot very many of them. Typically these dinners are a little stuffy and a little awkward but from the very moment we met Natasha + Brian about 4:45 in the morning on the Brooklyn Bridge just a few weeks before this kickoff to their big weekend there hasn't been an awkward second. (By the way if you haven't seen this session I can genuinely tell you that you're missing out on my very favorite engagement session maybe ever - CLICK HERE - ) The key to destination photography is finding the line between structure and flexibility and walking it very closely. I'm so excited to share the photos from the wedding day because they are truly some of my favorites of the year and no doubt the Molly Pitcher Inn created a gorgeous location for us to enjoy on the water in New Jersey. But simply because I loved the way the light and the location and the people all came together to tell the story of this laid back evening full of friends and family I wanted to share it first. So much more about Natasha, Brian, their incredible wedding planner Lauren, the Molly Pitcher Inn, and the struggles of rain on a wedding day soon - but for now - soak up a gorgeous New Jersey sunset and enjoy a little appetizer to the main course coming soon.

Wedding Planner, Coordinator, Design : Lauren Perry Events  


BRIDAL . Taylor Faber


PORTRAITS . Sunsets, rainbows, and taquerias