My Journey Into the World of Real Estate

I've been shooting real estate photography for less then year and a half now.  In that year and a half it has been a total learning experience. When I first started pursuing real estate it truly was a  "fake it till you make it" kind of endeavor. : )

I  had no previous experience in this field and had no idea what really went into it. But I learned. I watched every YouTube video known to man on how to do real estate photography and I soaked it up! God opened some doors through some super amazing realtors who gave me a chance to work with them. The learning curve was a constant. 

Here we are a year and a half later and I'm STILL learning. Ha! There are so many cool techniques and ways of shooting real estate. If it be a million dollar home, or a foreclosure going for a bargain, you have to approach each job with somewhat of a different lens[no pun intended ;)]

I'm passionate about real estate photography. Which to some people that is hard to imagine. It can become monotonous if your not careful. But I really love looking at these real estate jobs as art. I have a mission. It's my job to come in and take something that sometimes isn't pretty and turn it into something that draws people in. I love this, I actually kind of thrive off of it.

I want people to look at the homes I shoot and be able to imagine themselves living in it or enjoying the spaces and environments I create.

I can see myself raising a family here.

This master bedroom looks peaceful and relaxing.

This looks like a kitchen that memories could be made in.

This backyard reminds me of mine growing up, I want that for my kids.

That's the stuff I want people to be saying to themselves as they take their first look at pictures online. I'm a believer that good marketing sells I love providing that and seeing my work provide people with a good experience in their search for a new home or piece of real estate.

Excited to be a part of a team that can specialize in all things real estate. Pictures, video, drone footage, virtual walk throughs, the MWB team can do it. The possibilities are endless and I'm so eager to see the doors God opens for us to pursue this year.




Unlikely Beginnings