Reaching the unreachable \\ The story of Wantakia

We are waiting here for miraculous things, we are waiting here for you

13 days, 11 airplanes, 2 helicopters, and over 55+ hours of flying. All to get to the other side of the world, to the unreachable.

I just returned from one of the most amazing trips of my life. I got to spend 2 weeks with missionaries on the ground in one of the most unreached countries in the world, Papua New Guinea. We got to spend time in a village in the mountains outside of Goroka, where there is a people group of about 6,000 called the Wantakian. These people have no written language or alphabet, until now. Three American families, with the call from God, moved into this village 4 years ago. They began living life with the Wantakian people in hopes to one day share the gospel with them.

Since then, the language has been mastered and the alphabet has been written. This is one of the hardest languages in the world. God has a plan and is blessing the efforts of these missionary families. 

Beginning in 2019, these families will begin to work with the Wantakian people on literacy so they can read and understand God’s word for themselves and not rely on someone to speak it to them. This will be huge and vital for a thriving church to exist in this tribe. 

This will be an intense process and will take years. While tue Wantakian people are learning to read, the Bible is being translated bit by bit. It is checked rigorously for error and for capability of their understanding. God’s word is what changes and open the hearts of man; this is what everything hinges on. 

I want to share some pictures of my trip to Wantakia in hope that you would be encouraged by the work God is doing to reach the unreachable. These are faces of people who know nothing of true hope and grace, but know there is something coming, the God talk. These people are eager, they are expectant, and they want to know God. There is fertile ground on this mountain top and I believe God has a mighty plan for these people and the families who are at the plow.

Team houses and view from the front porch.

I want to introduce to you some of the most amazing people on the planet. This is team Wantakia. The Sanders Family, the Hambrice Family, and the Crabtree Family. 9 kids, 8 girls, 1 boy. These are the ones who have answered the call to go and reach the unreachable. When everyone said they should look at easier language groups to invest in, they chose to trust God and His ability to work through them and to give them unbelievable favor to learn the language. He has done just that. God has and continues to use this team to advance His kingdom in Papua New Guinea. To God be the glory for all He has done and will do there. — Watch the video below for the latest update


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