SKY HIGH . Ashley + Corey

It all started on Flamingo Island in Aruba when Ashley saw someone in the group I was with have a cup holder with a Razorback on it. Come to find out she was from Bentonville (small world right?). 

I was so excited when a few months later she dropped me a DM and I found out her and her boyfriend were now engaged! I was over the moon that they wanted me to be apart of their wedding and be their photographer! So come to their engagement shoot and they wanted to bring planes into the whole thing. They both have really be able to bond and build their relationship while in the sky. It was so much fun as a pilot’s son to be back in the air doing the thing I love. I am so excited for this couples wedding next year and excited to just be friends with them!


Chateau d' Beaver Lake . Haley + Kurtis


Chloe McBeth / Welcome to the world