lost near little rock

Women are made to be loved, not understood.
— Oscar Wilde

Every once in awhile you meet a couple that makes you feel like you’ve known them for ages. A few years ago I shot the wedding of the sweetest couple Katie + Jonathan. We clicked instantly and after a very cold engagement shoot in the pouring rain that ended up getting a lot of attention we were instantly close. These two people have the best friends and that brings us to Haley + Joe. Haley is the kind of smile that you can feel when you walk into a room. She’s warm, sweet, kind, and gives the biggest hugs. I get the feeling beneath all of the bubbles and giggles is a really deep thinker who cares a lot about the people in her circle and there was so much depth and love surrounding her on this day that I felt really blessed to feel like I belonged in that circle. I know this may shock you but sometimes grooms aren’t awesome. Most of them try, but truth be told weddings aren’t every guys’ cup of tea and a lot of them sadly just kind of go through the motions on a day that should be so much more than just an opportunity to make her happy. Jonathan was the type of guy who would do anything to make Katie smile and Joe is the exact same way with Haley. He’s a laugher and a man of discipline and strength but also who loves to have a good time. I’m so proud to say this guy has become a really close friend, proud of the way he has served his country, proud of the way he serves his wife, and was so excited to see the way he held her close on this day. There wasn’t a moment on this day that these two weren’t focused on each other and from the moment they met under those huge trees for a few minutes together to the last dance and their run through the sprinklers they were never more than just a few feet from each other. Joe + Haley are exactly the reason I got into this industry. Because after all of the candles and music and sparklers and riff raff is gone, after the laughter and tears and toasts and cake and even the photos disappear - love. matters.

Being a part of this wedding meant the world to me. Spending a day out at the Grandeur House experiencing some of the growing wedding industry and vendors in Little Rock. Soaking up a cool evening dancing with a new dj and playing around with his fog machine. Staying a little after my contract ended just to smile and celebrate with these two friends. And more than anything - realizing that for as much as I know this job matters, it’s clients like this that make me feel like I matter too and that’s a remarkable experience.


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Sassafrass Springs Vinyard Wedding Day