Lake house elopement. Chapter 1

“My dear girl, you don’t consent to an abduction! You consent to an elopement, and I knew you wouldn’t do that.”
— Georgette Heyer

Imagine a wedding ceremony with every single bit of stress and anxiety simply removed. 2:45 on a Wednesday afternoon? Sounds perfect. An overlook next door to the home they live in with a few family members and a nice bottle of champagne? Ideal. A trip to Canada next week with two photographers simply to hike in Alberta and explore some of the most beautiful landscape in North America in a wedding dress and custom suit? YES PLEASE. So here’s part one of Alix and Steve. High above Beaver Lake in Rogers, Arkansas they said their vows as tiny drops of rain fell cutting the summer heat and just a few close family members clapped during their first official kiss as husband and wife. Next week it’s off to Banff, but for today : we celebrate their wedding and get excited about the fact that while Northwest Arkansas may not be Banff, it’s a pretty special place to start an adventure and the first chapter of an incredible elopement story.


Facing adversity, smelling the roses.


Elizabeth + Brandon | Married in Arkansas