Mt. Magazine Arkansas Wedding Day

True story. There was a time where I just went by Miles Boyer. I know, shocking right? The truth is these days there aren’t that many people in my life that knew me back then. A few old friends from college, a few from before, and obviously family but there was a group of friends in college that I was pretty close to that simply knew me by Miles. Anthony was one of those friends. Back in college we ran in pretty similar circles, not hanging out a lot but with a lot of mutual friends and working at the same store at the mall for awhile (don’t ask me which one - I’ll lie). When he first got engaged to Julianne I was so flattered that he reached out to me but after our first chat on the phone I got really excited. These two are sort of remarkably perfect together. Anthony is hilarious, dry, sarcastic, and sort of surprisingly… deep. He’s the sort of guy that will laugh with the guys and cut up and then offer a toast on his own wedding day so serious that everybody simply raises a glass in thought. (True story by the way). What I loved watching was how much depth there is to his relationship with Julianne who seems to bring out this really refined, creative, and strong version of him. She’s beautiful, but not simply in an obvious way. Julianne has a smile that screams confidence but also doesn’t speak just to make noise. Her end of the wedding day was intentional, beautiful, and deliberately fun. From the moment they saw each other at the highest point in Arkansas overlooking Mt. Magazine and the ozark mountains below us the breeze was about the only thing I heard. They just held each other, whispering things and smiling, kissing every once in awhile and taking time to just let the gravity of their wedding day settle in. I can’t lie, I loved every moment. Their first look was emotional, but the ceremony was intense. These two have thought a lot about the meaning behind this commitment and from the toasts at the reception to the rehearsed first dance and then off to one of the most beautiful sunset sessions I’ve seen all year this wedding day was nothing short of picturesque. I’m so grateful to call these two friends these days and can’t wait to see where life takes them together in Nashville. With any luck, I’ll be on my way to Nashville to shoot their friend’s weddings soon because this was a group of people I genuinely loved hanging out with. PS : if you haven’t seen Julianne + Anthony’s engagement session with the vintage Porche lakeside CHECK IT OUT.


Sassafrass Winery . Morgan + Chance


Kassy + Coleman | Sassafras Springs Vineyard and Winery