Winter Wedding At Pratt Place Inn

When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.

There’s something really special about working in this industry for year after year. To be honest it’s not really like we have a water cooler to gather around and tell stories so blogs like this are where we get to express the memories. There’s a lot to tell about this wedding but I’ll kick it off by simply saying Katie + Sean are a perfectly matched couple. I don’t really know what makes me an expert there so assume that when I say that it’s totally bias to the fact that I just honestly love them together. Katie is stylish, successful, kind, artistic, organized, and honestly - just really freaking sweet. Sean is intentional, smart, driven, sensitive and when he’s around his new wife totally vulnerable. (Sorry dude). The reality here is that this wedding was designed and thought about and planned and organized (rinse and repeat x100) to make it something so perfectly special but what really made it stand out to me was both the relationship that these two have with each other, and the relationships they built with their vendors. Full disclosure here there’s a few wedding planners I just really love working with. I love meeting new faces, and love shaking new hands however I know that I know that I know when one of the ladies from Amanda Reed’s team (in this case the wonderful Carol) shows up to a wedding things will go right. Knowing Katie’s amazing sense of style and design her and Carol really tag teamed the design on this thing but for all the weddings I’ve seen in the Pratt Place Inn this one was really special. The decor, the layout, and even the designs for the paper goods were so beautifully crafted. That mixed with the fact that we ran ahead of schedule for a good part of the day, had a freaking snow machine waiting on us (because Carol makes magic happen) and I even had the freedom and time to do my very best wobble at the end of the night while DJ Derek made sure nobody sat down all night led this one to be the absolute best way to wrap up 2019. My last wedding of a beautiful year and it was perfectly timed. They laughed and smiled and wandered out in the cold dancing in “snow” (thanks Lightworks) and for every single moment of their time together never made me feel like my job was more important than just watching important moments happen. I’ll forever love the gracious perspective these two came at me with simply trusting Max and I to do our best job on the photos along side our friend Jessica Whalen on video and making sure over and over (even though I kept telling them to stop) that we were actually having fun as well. So : to the vendors and friends who poured so much into this wedding THANK YOU but more so to the couple who made sure that I closed out 2019 with a huge smile on my face eager to see a new year and new clients walk down the aisle - THANK YOU!


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