Official Release of the Fujifilm XT-4

It’s finally here. The camera that will solve world hunger, stop global warming, and hopefully make all the presidential debates less absurd. The Fujifilm XT-4 is here - and though I’m not a camera reviewer - here’s a few cute images of my family shot with it and a couple of notes below.


If you would have told me a few years ago (EDIT, a few MONTHS ago) that I would have the opportunity to help launch not one but two of the most amazing digital cameras ever made in 2020 I would have laughed at you. I guess it’s safe to say that when I drank the Fujifilm Kool Aid early on (mid 2016) I had kind of given up on the idea of working along side a camera company. Up to that point I had been courted or at least connected with all the other big names and was a little sick of the false promises. That said, I switched to Fujifilm simply because - honestly - I fell in love. I remember saying the statement not long after I first bought a little xt-10 that I felt like I was remembering why I loved photography so much. It felt like I had put the big heavy loud showy computer systems called cameras on the shelf to just collect dust and picked up a camera that felt like it was ready to create art alongside me. Fast forward a few years and through some of the most beautifully random sets of situations I’ve had the pleasure and blessing to make some really close friends in this company. A few of the most sincerely talented and kind photographers I know are on this team with me and we’re all kind of trusting the direction and innovation of a team of simply amazing people. The smiles and hugs and handshakes have taken me all over the country now along side them and now here I am writing a totally unpaid for, unscripted, and honestly - unbiased review of this camera. What’s REALLY cool? I think our video team is going to do one too because this camera is totally made for that. Video. In fact the most significant upgrades to the XT-4 from the XT-3 are definitely in video. That said, while I know Brandon will do what he does and get SUPER down and dirty with the technical stuff, I’m going to keep my words on this amazing camera simple.

Things I LOVE.

  1. The new battery is amazing. I shot my heart out with this thing on Saturday at a wedding and the battery hung in there with me the whole time.

  2. The color science on this camera is SPOT on. All of the images above are edited images from the XT-4 and in perfect Fujifilm fashion the skin tones are beautiful, nothing feels too punchy, and everything is sharp but not too sharp.

  3. The tilting back screen is so dang cool. I love the way it twists and turns so that I can shoot from odd angles and not look like a total goober laying on the ground.

  4. It’s so quiet. Like so so so quiet.

  5. The IBIS (internal stabilization) is actually SUPER nice for photo. On Saturday I realized at one point in a church that was nearly pitch black inside I was shooting down the aisle at 1/15th of a second and the image is - tack - sharp. I get that this is much more a “video” centric upgrade but dang. I love it.

  6. I don’t know how to explain this exactly but shooting it with off camera flash just felt…. better. I could dig into that - but using OCF with a mirrorless camera is always kind of an odd experience but for some reason this thing just felt easy. I really enjoyed it in super low light in fact it’s ability to find and lock on focus in the dark is WAY better than the cameras that have come before it.

OK OK OK. If you were coming over here looking for some kind of pixel by pixel break down of what I like and don’t like - you’re in the wrong spot anyway. My opinions on cameras are a lot like my opinions on cars. They exist for a reason and you should A. enjoy that reason, B. not get too attached, and C. Unless you’re a mechanic, not act like your knowledge is more than it is. I’m an artist, meaning that when something is in my hands that inspires me to create something that I see as beautiful - it’s working. And this thing certainly does that. I’m so happy to say that I not have my trifecta of perfect cameras for me. (Baring getting my hands on a GFX100 sometime soon.

GFX 50R // XT-4 // X100V

I could shoot any and everything with this set up and I’m not sure I would ever need anything else. There you have it - now let’s be honest. I LOVE answering questions so if you have those - drop one below, OR on my instagram.


Korry + Seth in Little Rock


Bella Vista Engagement . Haley + Josh