Elbow Bumps and Laughter. NWA Engagement Session

This was the first engagement shoot I’ve ever elbow bumped with the groom on. To be fair though, Grant jumped out of the truck and had to pee so bad he went on over by a tree and I didn’t really want to touch his hands anyway. I think for most guys they’d blush a bit at that hitting the internet, but this couple will just laugh. In fact, that’s basically what the entire shoot was - laughter. These are two people that just simply embrace life. They’re both uber successful, they’re both brilliant, and about ten minutes talking about work with either of them and I realized just how easy my job really is. But this day wasn’t about Covid-19, or crazy people buying toilet paper by the truck load, it wasn’t about out breaks or curfews or any other chaotic things going on in our world - it was just about love. You want to know what was amazing? When we removed all of that clutter, all of the static from the news and media shoving that fear and panic down our throats we were left with something really beautiful… Laughter. These two just laughed and laughed. So much so that any time you see a photo of them straight faced it was because I literally had to ask for it. I can’t wait to see them get married honestly. I know we’ve got a few more months to see it all come together but Jerra is going to be the most beautiful bride with the biggest smile all day and I can only imaging the trees Grant will tuck behind to nervous pee when we get to the big day. (Kidding…)

If you’re on my mailing list you got an email from me yesterday saying we’ve got to stay connected and positive and not let fear run our lives. If you’re one of my brides for 2020 you got an email from me today saying we’re here to be a flexible, professional, exciting part of your lives right now and not to let this sickness steal your joy. And if you’re on my blog today you’ll hear me echo again that there is more to life than the fear of death. SO : from the comfort of my office with the sound of my kids playing in the back ground and my wife typing away on a computer in the extra bedroom upstairs HEY! I’m so excited to see what 2020 brings next, so excited to see these beautiful brides walk down the aisle and honestly eager to get outside with a camera and go shoot. So : if you’re in the mood to sneak out, elbow bump (or just socially distant air hug from 6 feet) holler. I’d love the Vitamin D!


Fayetteville Wedding . Elizabeth + Taylor


Ed and Jill | A Breath Of Fresh Air