New Life. Meet Baby Ethan.

I know I know I know… We are the wedding guys. And honestly - it’s really what we love the most. But the reason we all love weddings so much is not just because of the challenge - it’s the people. Honestly this has always been about the people for me. The couples that embrace that the most are people that just end up in my life somehow. They’re people I can’t wait to run into and people who when life continues to change I’m right there to be a part of it in any way possible. These last few weeks have been wild you guys. This Corona Virus thing has gotten way out of control and yet for all of the hype and noise God just keeps providing for us. This family is sort of a perfect example of that provision. Danny is a pastor at our church working with the kids. Hayley is frequently up on stage behind a piano gracing us all with one of the most beautiful voices I’ve ever heard. Danny makes a mean latte and has spent hours chatting with me from behind the counter at my favorite coffee shop. These two had one of the most beautiful, moving wedding days I’ve ever shot. (Check out their engagement session here)

Fast forward a few years and these two have just grown into a little family. Ethan is gorgeous. One of those babies that looks more like a doll than a real kid. His room is beautiful and decorated like a little escape for this little boy to just grow and feel safe and loved in. His parents are a picture of God’s grace and love and amidst so much unknown while the rest of the world is staying in our of fear, these three get to stay inside and just grow to know each other. I’ve been shooting a little bit here and there these last few weeks. Mostly trying to do my part to stay home and not be too social, so though I didn’t give the hugs I wanted to, and I wore a mask and sanitized my hands a lot and didn’t touch anything inside I can assure you that this shoot left a bit impression on me. There’s a lot that is changing in our world right now but what remains the same is the way God cares for us and the importance of love. Soak up some of that today - go tell somebody you’re “stuck at home with” that you love them and find a breath of fresh air from somewhere. The one thing we can’t possibly afford to lose in all of this mess is our joy and seeing this little beautiful creation up close was such a powerful reminder of where our joy comes from.


Making the most of a new normal.


Devils Den Engagement . Gabby + Jordan