Gulf Shores Wedding . Gabby + Jordan

I am not going to write too much about Gabby and Jordan. Not because I don’t know enough to write about, rather because Jordan said something to Gabby during their first look that is the only words that need to be heard. It’s something that I think defines a relationship, defines the times ahead, defines the depth of your relationship. If this isn’t what will make them stronger, more faithful, and head strong for each other I do not know what would. To you Jordan, your words reminded me as to why I truly believe my wife and I got married, and why I think any couple makes this choice, there’s nothing held back. So thank you for saying what all of us married folk know to be true! To Gabby, dear friend, I am so happy to see a man of God walking along side you and two families so in love with you both. Blessed to see you step into this next stage of your life.

“You could have shown me the polished version of yourself. Instead you showed me the flaws, the frustrations, the truth, and because of this we stand here today, vowing to be with one another for life.” -Jordan to Gabby.


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