Willow Brooke Farm, Arkansas Wedding Photography

“Hey Hunter! This is Miles, I’m so excited about next week and the big wedding day. First thing’s first, so I can build y’all a schedule out… I know a lot of plans have had to chance this year because of Covid, so catch me up. What all have you guys shifted around so I can make sure your photography is awesome?”

Awkward Silence…

“Hey Miles! We are so so excited to finally meet you! As far as what has changed? Absolutely nothing. We’re going to have the best day of our lives, and we want people to celebrate with us. If that means they’re in masks spread out a little, that’s fine. You’ll find me on the dance floor.”

You guys, I could blog this wedding like ten times. Not because of the images, though I’m pretty stoked about them too. But because of the layers and layers of love and laughter and all around authenticity that showed up to this wedding. Remember back in 2019 when a rainy Saturday felt like a life sentence? It turns out after a global pandemic we all have a fresh perspective. So when I showed up to Willow Brooke Farm in the middle of nowhere Arkansas last Saturday and it was raining cats and dogs I was nervous for about 30 seconds. Hunter basically agreed to roll with all of the punches and even though I had officially just met her for the very first time, never shook her hand or even given her a hug because of Covid I was fully aware of just how much fun this group was going to be. Assuming you know these two, you already know the story but let me catch you up.

Hunter is like a bucket full of bottle rockets with one fuse. She’s wild, funny, excited, kind, and absolutely the type of person that lights up a room. I’ll jump ahead and say that the moment I watched Justin fall to tears right after the ceremony and (btw he’s a BIG dude) bury his face in her chest while she just held him I got to see exactly what this woman is about. She is a total care giver. To everybody. Which makes sense because just as much as there is a Justin there is Sawyer. Sawyer is the adorable little dude with the Justin Timberlake curls that just stole the show over and over all day. To say he’s a momma’s boy is an understatement and yet the few moments when he was walking through the field holding Justin’s hand were absolutely my favorite of the day.

Ok here’s the deal, you don’t catch the eye of a girl this opinionated, and this loved by her friends and family unless you’re a pretty solid dude. Justin is that dude. He’s big, he’s funny, he’s so so southern, and he is loyal. I’ve learned you can tell a lot about a guy by the friends who surround him. The good ones are the ones who’s friends have been there awhile and from the get go I could tell this group of dudes have been around a few blocks together. There was zero shortage of party at this wedding but honestly what made it all come together was the way the family rallied around them. Keep in mind where this whole thing started “We aren’t changing anything”. This wedding had been the plan all along. These people showing up, setting up the tables and making the room beautiful. Making sure the music, the lights, the decor, and the couple were set up for the most beautiful day. This was the plan from the get go and though I’ll say I’ve seen a lot of smaller weddings this year come together in such beautiful, intimate ways it’s because without all the noise and clutter and stress a wedding is a really remarkable thing and these two understood that long before masks, and hand sanitizer were on the guest list.


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