Thaden Field House Wedding . Ali + Joey

When the struggles of the world, of life, and love come flooding, all I can say is draw closer. Pull into each other. Hold on tight, and keep your eyes focused on each other. Nothing can come between a unitary front. This year, this season of life, this mayhem that is 2020 can not break the spirit of love, life, and the desire to push forward. It’s hard not to doubt some days, but when you have your best friend, love, support sitting there, eyes locked, and hands intertwined, nothing seems impossible. This connection is what we all strive to find what we long to rest in. I am happy to say that I got to document this for both Ali and Joey on their wedding day. No matter what 2020 has brought them, they will hold hand in hand eyes focused on the same goals pushing and thriving for a life well lived on this day and every day. One that is not broken by what life brings it. One that will move past whatever comes their way, together, united, and stronger.

Here is a wedding I have been looking forward to all year. It may look different than when we started. In my opinion, it was precisely what Ali and Joey needed, and what they both loved. Family, friends, and love were surrounding them, supporting them and pushing them into a new chapter. This chapter can only bring a life full of love and life.


She Said Yes. Hayden + Mason, Sassafras Springs Engagement


Sunrise Waterfall Engagement. Ashley & Nate