Something Southern. Kaley + DJ

Well, don’t you look prettier than a glob of butter melting on a stack of wheat cakes!

Behind the curtain marrying a pro baseball player brings with it a little bit of pressure. There’s a sentence I never thought I could say but after meeting these two and working with them on this wedding for about a year I got to see so many ups and downs for them. DJ is a heck of a ball player and Kaley is a pretty incredible asset to the Paint the Town Red team in Northwest Arkansas. He’s type A. She’s type A. I’ve heard people say forever that opposites attract and I guess in some ways these two are pretty different but also in a lot of ways they’re so much alike. It’s a remarkable thing to witness though. Independently both of them are the center of attention in the room. Not in an annoying way, just both of them have strong personalities and big laughs but when they’re together DJ absolutely just compliments Kaley. She shines - and there’s not a moment that goes by that this guy doesn’t have something sweet to say about her. It was so cool on their wedding day to tee him up (baseball reference there) for an opportunity to brag on her a bit and then just sit back and watch her swoon on his every word. Honestly the way these two flirt is magnetic and this whole wedding day took a back seat to the moments they spent together. I’ve had a wild end of the year. Couple after couple, week after week that I’ve just connected with. On a really intimate level these two became friends in a hurry. Kaley gives the biggest hugs and Dj is the guy you just want to be friends with. I can genuinely say I hope these two stay in touch for years to come. Such an honor having been there with them on their very biggest day.


Breathing in Brooklyn


Cooper Chapel Wedding Ed + Jill