'Tis the season. It's officially wedding season - and engagement season - and bridal season all wrapped up in one. April and May mark easily the busiest months of the year for us as we're filling in our calendar for next year, starting this summer's weddings, and making sure engagement and bridal photos are all scheduled through the warm months into the fall. With so much on our plate we're often left wishing we had more time to help our couples pick out the very best shots to show off to their friends and families from their shoot.  The awesome people over at the PAPERLESS POST challenged us to help you make your Save the Date's awesome so here we go. I'm about to awe you here - BUT your favorite shots may not be the best one to share with everybody! (Pause for effect) 

What I mean here is pretty simple. Once you start designing things for text and layout you've got to think about new things like NEGATIVE SPACE (room for text to lay over the photo), COLOR (places where information can be places and still be read), and EMOTION (don't be the couple who's Save the Date looks like a photo from the church directory). I KNOW I KNOW but you hate your profile, or like your left side more than your right, or wish he was laughing bigger, or love that set of shots with the red heals on..... Take my word for it - there's a HUGE place for all of your favorite images from your engagement shoot and that is on your wall in your house, in a cute little coffee table book, and all over your social media platforms. BUT if you're really wanting people to LOVE your SAVE THE DATES - here's a few ideas on which shots to use! 

GET ACTIVE : There's something SUPER fun about photos of you guys just being you. Walking, laughing, relaxing - really any "ing" word will work. You don't need to be smiling at the camera, or even smiling at each other for a shot to perfectly express you two as a couple. Remember your Save the Date image is supposed to get people to say "SO CUTE - THAT IS SO (your name here)."  Just chill and enjoy some time together on your shoot and these images will always come across as playful and fun.

GET REAL : Your save the date images should be perfectly representative of who you guys are as a couple. If you're fun and lighthearted, pick an image that is just as light. If you love to drink wine or coffee let that do the talking. Forget trying to perfect your BLUE STEEL or find the perfect kissing shot and just be you!

GET CONNECTED : Snuggle up and show off some cuteness. You're absolutely right - grandma won't get it. But she also won't understand what the Wobble is, why you guys kiss every time people start clinking their glasses at the reception, or why you changed into a tight little reception dress from your big beautiful wedding dress. What grandma doesn't understand won't hurt you - BUT if you want everybody to give one big collective "aweeeeeee" - go for a shot like this. 

GET OUT : Fact - most of us have seen enough old brick walls for awhile. I get that you want people to think you're cosmopolitan and cool, but a little fresh air might do you well. All that said, if you want a photo with plenty of negative space for text, plenty of awe in the connection, plenty of room for you guys to express who you are together, and plenty of pretty stuff around you - encourage your photographer from the get go to try something new. If you get shots like this - use them. EVERYWHERE.

GET HIP : Be symmetric, a little plain, maybe even crop your heads off. Sure random strangers may not feel like they know anything more about your - but your families will love the ironic kind of love in these shots. There's something super cute about being cute when you're not trying too hard to be cute. (cute right?)

SO THAT'S IT - for what it's worth we hope this helps! That said - if you want some killer do it yourself kind of designs head over to for some ideas and check back in soon for more semi-useless but kind of fun information!


Alyssa + Zeid
