Being a storyteller with a story to tell with special guest : Phil Porto

Phil Porto is a legend in modern wedding photography but it isn’t just his work that we discuss today. From his childhood battle with an aggressive eye cancer and adult battle with a brain tumor to being a full time artist that is both blind in one eye and deaf in the opposite ear Phil’s story is one of finding purpose and overcoming obstacles most of us can’t even imagine. This episode was recorded with him from his Tampa, Florida studio and is an absolute treat as we chat with him about how his story, his perspective, and his love for relationship has permeated into the uber successful photography company he runs in three states.

Check out Phil’s work at 

or via his Instagram profile at @_philporto_

or see all of his incredible educational resources at


Pushing Beyond Impostor Syndrome with Special Guest : Brandon Buccheri


Telling Dynamic Stories with Courage