CONNECTION Natalie + Blake

“I have to remind myself to breathe -- almost to remind my heart to beat!”
Emily Brontë

The story behind this shoot is years old. I've had the blessing of knowing Natalie for about 10 years at this point. It's been pretty amazing having the chance to be a friend of her sweet family while watching her grow up but the coolest part of that whole process for me has been watching her with Blake. Truth be told, I had never met Blake before this shoot - but his name is one we've known for a long time. This relationship has been around for even longer than Melissa and I have known each other and though these two are still so young their love has had an amazing ride. I can genuinely say that Natalie is one of the kindest, most genuine people I know. Her shy smile, big laugh, and great style is completely reflective of a Godly family and an incredible upbringing. This entire family is amazing but watching Natalie with Blake is something I've never quite seen in her before. The way she relaxes into him, like a comfy sweater or a cup of cocoa is perfect. She fits in his arms and it's completely apparent that they are really the only arms she's spent much time in. Blake on the other hand is the kind, confident, funny guy I always assumed he was. This guy doesn't carry himself like other men his age. He's ready for the world, but also perfectly comfortable where he's at. Life seems to be something these two can't wait to tackle together, and to have the chance to watch Natalie walk down the aisle, hand in hand with her incredible dad, eyes locked with Blake is a moment I can't wait to watch. There's so much to look forward to with these two, but first - just soak up some fall love and sweet moments. Cheers - Miles.


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