CONNECTION Kate + Justin

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ― Mae West

YOLO - just like Mae West said (before Drake). These two are about as in the moment as any couple I’ve ever met. They’re wildly in love, but not in a cheesy fragile way. They are both completely present, and completely confident in who they are and to be a part of this wedding means a lot to me.

I’ve had the chance to get to know Justin over the last year as one of the most incredible photographers I know. This guy is beyond talented but what has really resonated about him with me is how quickly we connected as friends. This guy is so honest, and so real that I can honestly say I’m blessed to have him as a part of my life. When I found out he was about to propose to Kate I couldn’t have been more excited for these two but then to be asked to be the photographer I was immediately honored and excited. The pressure is definitely on with these two because making sure they’re happy means so much to me, but in reality being their photographer has been nothing short of easy. 

This shoot was an adventure by design. Delyn, Max and I piled into my 4Runner with Justin and Kate behind me and we headed out to the middle of nowhere to shoot on these amazing bluffs. Most of our shoots involve several locations and some travel time, but this entire shoot centered around being at these bluffs just before sunset so the goal was to get there and just hang out. After a funny little GPS problem which left us on a road that looked more like a washed out gully than something our SUVs could make it up we finally found the right road. 30 miles of dirt and dust later we pulled up to where we had to park and took off on the short hike to these rock bluffs. Truth be told I was so excited about the process of shooting out here, and the beautiful couple we had coming along for this that I didn’t take into account just how amazing they are together until that first frame. I realized as we walked down a dirt path that I was about to be on the easiest shoot of my life. Kate is absolutely stunning with a huge smile and a perfectly kind personality. Spending her afternoon with 4 guys didn’t bother her for a minute and she flirted and laughed with Justin the entire time. Justin on the other hand is completely transparent. You know what’s on this guy’s mind the second it happens and to watch him let go of any todo lists, any work, anything in the world other than being present on a long afternoon with Kate was amazing.

I can’t say enough about these two - but I have to save enough to chat about from their wedding which will no doubt break the internet when I post it so for now I’ll say this. THANK YOU to Justin + Kate for giving us the chance to witness your love, interpret the art that explains who you guys are, and be a part of so many fun little memories for you guys. Mae West had it right - you DO only live once. Do it right - and do it with the right person and you’ll never regret a minute.




CONNECTION Natalie + Blake