CONNECTION Sonya + Lance

"A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self in the mirror of some woman's eyes." -Clare Boothe Luce

Sonya and Lance are amazing together. These two are so completely inthralled with each other that my job really was just to sit back and watch. If you've made it this far you know that the two of them are now three of them. And though this isn't exactly the "traditional" timing, having this sweet, beautiful little baby girl along for the shoot was unreal. In fact, though I know it wasn't even how they planned things, I can't imagine having shot this shoot with just the two of them. They're an unbelievably beautiful family and Lance is absolutely amazing at making sure these two girls know who is at the center of his world. I couldn't possibly be more excited to be a part of this wedding. An incredibly beautiful bride. A perfectly kind, sweet groom. And a built in flower girl. What's not to love? SO much more to write about this session - but I think I'll wait to tell all about what I love about these two (three) until the big day! -- Miles.


CONNECTION Stephanie + Collin
