CONNECTION. Katherine + Blake

“She wasn’t doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.”
—J. D. Salinger, “A Girl I Knew”

I’ve known this guy for quite awhile now. In fact if you’re around the wedding industry, Walmart, or just watch TV in Northwest Arkansas you likely know my buddy Brock (the get it at Sam’s guy and masterminder behind Brock Entertainment) who happens to be Blake’s brother. Because of Brock I’ve had the chance to get to know Blake’s whole family over the last few years and when I found out he was engaged this was a call I definitely wanted to get. It means a lot to me to see this guy happy and though this shoot was amazing there was one thing wrong with them getting engaged : I won’t be at the wedding! Unfortunately I am already reserved on their date but we’re so blessed these days to have this team of photographers who are so talented and are so willing to shoot amazing weddings while I’m wrapped up else where. Delyn has known Katherine for years (as well as Blake at this point) and he is beyond excited to see these two commit their lives to each other. This shoot was a rare collaboration these days and I’d completely challenge you to figure out who’s photos are who’s. It’s a big deal to me to offer our clients the flexibility of working with Delyn and Max and I’m so honored that so many of our clients call us these days requesting them specifically.  I know this wedding will be unreal. Katherine is absolutely stunning and just as sarcastic, funny, and quit witted as Blake and Blake (along with one of the craziest families I’ve ever known) won’t settle for anything less than a party. I’m sad to miss it, but so happy I had the chance to get a camera on them and see a little bit of what makes these two tick. There’s a pretty deep love between the 2 (plus one in Katherine’s gorgeous little daughter) and this entire shoot was an eye opener to me of some of the sides of Blake I’ve never really seen. A HUGE congrats and thank you to Blake & Katherine for hiring our team, and allowing me to be a small part of such a HUGE time in your lives!


