"In the present there is perfection and joy. This moment here with you is the present. This moment is pure love." - The Bride (Heather)

Does anything else really need to be said? No......but this would be an incredibly short blog post if it stopped there. So I'll add a little bit more. 

I truly love what I do. I think weddings are days that are full of beautiful moments. There really is that moment in a wedding that is in the present and only that. It may be the first look, during the vows, the kiss, or maybe the first dance, but that moment is there. For this couple I believe it was during their vows. They both wrote their own vows that were incredible and perfect for each other. It helps that the moment was literally spoken through Heather's vows but I think that was it for her. As she spoke her vows to her very soon to be husband, she knows this moment is what everything has lead to. It's beautiful.

If there is one person on this team who is going to write a short blog post it's me. I'm not naturally much a talker. I don't really know what to say most of the time, but I think that's okay. This wedding was absolutely incredible and I was so honored to be apart of it. Having a couple like Jason and Heather, the best wedding vendors around, and a beautiful setting at Crystal Bridges makes for a pretty perfect day. Sit back, watch this wedding film, and enjoy the moments.




CONNECTION. Katherine + Blake