Patiently Waiting for Sinclaire Elizabeth.

" That it shall never come again is what makes life so sweet."

- Emily Dickenson

This family means a lot to me. To be a part of these moments with friends of ours makes it so special. There's times where being the guy with the camera really makes life fun because I get backstage access to so many important little moments. I think most photographers would agree that we're all kind of fascinated with the human experience and yet most of us don't take the time to really realize what a moment or a memory can mean. Cody is one of our very closest friends and when her, Mike, and sweet little Evelyn found out that they were expecting we were one of the first people to hear about it. This stage in their life has been an exciting one and to have been asked to try and capture in images the depth and joy of these moments was a huge task. This will go down as one of my very favorite maternity shoots ever and though I don't do many of them I'm quickly learning to love the way maternity shoots express a pretty incredible time in life. HUGE thanks to the Duley's for always letting me have the camera around them! I can't wait to hold little Sinclaire soon! 




Flying High. Wedding Story. Michelle + Danny