Flying High. Wedding Story. Michelle + Danny

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." - Amelia Earhart

It takes a lot these days to blow me away. I've shot weddings in more than 2/3's of the states in the country. We've seen international weddings, million dollar platinum weddings, complete DIY weddings, and nearly every combination you can imagine and yet every single time I step out of the car on the morning of a wedding day I get excited for all that's about to happen. I get asked a lot of this life get's boring going to wedding after wedding and the answer is such an easy "no". Every wedding is unique. Every couple connects in a different way. Every story has it's own details and it's own way of being told. This wedding, like all of our weddings, was beautiful in it's own way but I can honestly say as I was flying high over eastern Arkansas in a two seater plane with no doors banking and dipping back and forth with me hanging out shooting around the wing supports I was blown away. I kept catching myself laughing like a little kid on a roller coaster, not because I was scared in the least (truth be told Bob took off and landed smoother than any commercial flight I've ever been on) but because I'm so humbled by the doors this job has opened.

When Michelle + Danny first called me they struck me off the bat with their fun personalities. These are two people who want to have fun together and though they're both wildly successful what is easily most impressive about them is they're ability to simply smile and have fun in the moment. Danny has one of the biggest smiles of any groom I've ever been around. This guy knows how to stud up as good as any guy I know but he doesn't take himself seriously at all. This whole day for him was a celebration of something he's clearly decided a long time ago and from the couples photos to the last dance this guy was beaming. Michelle is the kind of girl that you can tell is just smarter than you in pretty much every way. She's pretty analytical and incredibly detailed and for all of the planning and prep for this wedding out in the middle of nowhere at Danny's parent's house (which just happens to be on a grass air strip) the minute she saw him she melted into his arms and just enjoyed the process. So many surprises to this wedding and so many things that left us all grinning ear to ear. The fly over during the wedding blew me away. The vintage car that drove Michelle down the runway right to the end of the aisle blew me away. The private flight over Michelle + Danny as they walked down the run way - yep - blew me away. I can't say enough about how refreshed I was by this wedding and so grateful for our newest team member Andrew driving with me. It was a 3.5 hour drive to a 10 hour wedding and then another 3.5 hours home and yet when we got in at 2am I was still smiling. A HUGE congrats to Michelle + Danny!


Patiently Waiting for Sinclaire Elizabeth.


WEDDING STORY . Blair + Beau