"There is something in the New York air that makes sleep useless." Simone Beauvoir

I'm willing to bet about the time your alarm clock went off this morning we were wrapping up this session. It's been right at 3 hours since we finished this shoot and I couldn't possibly allow another minute to go by without showing it off. Sunrise this morning was at 5:26 over the Brooklyn Bridge. I know that because at 4:55 when Max and I walked out onto the bridge to start getting a feel for the angles and color we wanted to shoot the first hints of dusk were just starting to highlight the infinite jungle of metal edges and mirrored windows around us. The east river was as still as the walking path and aside from the occasional jogger and taxi on the road below us time seemed to kind of stand still in the city. I can say with all certainty even after living in this amazing city I've never been up and around this early with a camera and I'm sad that I haven't. This was actually the first time we've ever met Natasha + Brian. They're wedding is just a few short weeks away but when you live 2,500 miles away from your clients you get together when you can and though the potential for a slightly sleepy first meeting was certainly there we were met instead with huge hugs, big smiles, and an incredibly flirty couple. Natasha + Brian might possibly be the most photogenic couple I've ever worked with. I could have easily said two words during this entire shoot because they are so good together but they were gracious enough to let me direct from time to time. I feel like we figured out the equation this morning : Incredible sunrise + amazing light quality + beautiful couple + iconic location + killer second shooter with great ideas = magic. Now if only it was that easy to recreate over and over, but for now enjoy just a few of our favorite shots from this session. A HUGE thank you to Natasha + Brian (and Max) for waking up before 4am to get ready for a little adventure into my wild ideas, and thank you for letting us be a part of all of these amazing moments! Leave it to us to come to one of the most creative places in the world with thousands of photographers' studios in the few miles surrounding us and then find a way to shoot a session while most of them are still asleep. I couldn't be more excited for our next NYC session which starts in just a few short hours and an amazing wedding scheduled for tomorrow! - Miles.


MARCH ON NYC . Black Lives Matter


Focused on Christ. Emily + Andrew's Wedding Story