We live in a world where it’s far too easy to make fake look great. It’s why every single photo on this website and especially the stories below are filled with nothing but real photos of real clients. No styled shoots, no gimiicks, no pinterest page inspired work - just the most recent, most raw, and most real moments happening in my life and the lives of our clients lately.
MARCH ON NYC . Black Lives Matter
"An eye for an eye leaves everybody blind." - Dr. Martin Luther King
What were you doing at 4:30 this morning? Max and I were walking down 5th avenue trying to find a Subway station to head down towards the Brooklyn Bridge where we'd catch up with Natasha + Brian just before sunrise. This session, with one of the most photogenic couples I've ever seen, in one of the most iconic locations in the United States, just happened to be wrapped in the most perfect light possible. // "There is something in the New York air that makes sleep useless." Simone Beauvoir