Arkansas Bridal Beautiful. Natalie's Bridal Session

"Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop." — H. L. Mencken

This was a pretty special day for me. If you missed Natalie + Blake's wedding day blog you've really missed a treat! Click HERE for that! Anyway - before Natalie walked down the aisle to Blake she threw on her gorgeous dress from Tesori and jumped in the car with her mom Lori (one of my very favorite ladies in the world) and gave me an afternoon to just play and have some fun! This session was about as unplanned and unplugged as they come! We had a gorgeous cold front coming in as we shot so the light was gorgeous and dynamic and Natalie was of course every bit the part. Couldn't possibly miss sharing this session! Go see her wedding day for so much more!


Young Love. Katelyn + Zach's Connection Session


Killin' it with Kate Kearney. Bridal Session of the year.