TIME TOGETHER. Lauren + Zach's Wedding Story

“To love is never just to love since it is also to will to love, and ... to love in spite of oneself, to allow oneself to be overcome by one’s love.” 

—Jean-Paul Sartre

I walked into this wedding basically destined for great photos. I don't get to say that exact sentence very often but between an incredibly gorgeous bride, one of the very best wedding planners anywhere in the country, a perfectly perfect reception venue, and more than enough decor to fill up the room with beautiful details  I'm almost sure I would have had to try to mess this one up. What's amazing about this day isn't how perfect it all was. What's amazing is the couple and their friends and what they all mean to me. Lauren + Zach are part of a group of people who have all hired me to be a part of important days in their lives. As Lauren made her way down the aisle on this amazing day I scanned the audience and realized that I had three other couple's in the room smiling at me. From the very get go the amount of support and love wrapped up win this group not just for Lauren and Zach but also for their photographers was completely humbling to me. No pressure right? But seriously - I never felt any. From the perfectly simple first look out in about a million Arkansas degrees, to the couple's session back in the wooks by a little creek - all the way to a sun set session overlooking one of the most beautiful views in North west Arkansas, this whole day lined up to be memorable 


Lauren is a dream and her family took me in from the get go. This girl's mom is maybe the greatest mother of the bride ever and gave me more hugs than I think I've ever received at a wedding. Her dad was a completely inspiring father with the way he looked at his daughter and the amount of pride he had in her. Zach's family is hilarious and so much fun (his mom controlled the dance floor for about half the night). I really can't say enough about these two, but instead of blabbing on and on I've prepped about 130 of my very favorite moments to tell the story for me So if you've come this far - scroll back up and go through it again. I can promise there are plenty of little things that you'll catch the second time around.


PORTRAITS . Sunsets, rainbows, and taquerias
