"Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere,

and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself."

This marks my third wedding in Vermont. I'm well aware that people often consider where we come from one of those fly over states but I can genuinely say that if not for weddings I would have never had any interest in even driving through Vermont let alone stopping. Thank goodness for Heather + Mike six years ago. That first trip Melissa and I took into Vermont to photograph a wedding was an instant eye opener for how beautiful this state really is. Here we are back in another little town and back in another charming little bed and breakfast and this may be my favorite stop yet. Our wedding schedule this weekend is daunting a bit. 22 hours of scheduled shoot time for one wedding has the potential to wear you out but waking up in this gorgeous little home with two incredibly kind people down in the kitchen just waiting to make us breakfast completely relieves the pressure. 

If you want a real taste for what destination shooting is like you'd almost have to tag along. As if being a wedding photographer wasn't high stress enough, jumping into a group full of people that you don't know, in a culture you're not super familiar with, all in venues and light and scenery that you're completely unfamiliar with could easily drive a photographer crazy. Somehow for me it's was seems to wake up my creativity. The reality that every moment matters to these clients is a constant for us, but a destination wedding leaves a photographer's senses heightened in a way that we don't often feel at locations we know super well. There will no doubt be plenty of incredible photos and stories to tell about the wedding over the next few days but first I couldn't help but share a little bit about the incredible home we woke up in this morning.

If you need me I'll be over in Autumn Rooms suite while Delyn is resting in Spring hollow. The wrap around front porch gives 360 access to the 65 degree breeze blowing through the trees. The main road is just far enough away that only the largest trucks can even be heart and thought I'm sitting here with some light music on the birds are easily louder than the acoustic songs on my ipad. I walked upstairs a few minutes ago to see if my room had been cleaned and there was a back scratcher sitting on my pillow just in case. Maple trees, pine trees, tall trees, short trees and then there's the wild flowers everywhere. I can sincerely say this may be the most peaceful place I've ever spent a morning editing (which is really saying something) and if you've made it this far into this post here's my plug. Get your room reserved at the Maple Leaf Inn about 65 miles past the edge of the world as soon as you can.


TIME TOGETHER. Lauren + Zach's Wedding Story


Perfectly Matched. Sarah + Matt's Wedding Story