Slaying SENIOR SESSIONS in Northwest Arkansas.

Meet Bella - high school senior - future Vet - animal lover - lion tamer. Here's about 25 reasons why she's a total rockstar but just incase that's not enough, I'll tell you all about this session at the bottom. 

A few years ago one of our associate shooters started taking over our senior market. It was something he was super passionate about so I let go of it and it's been a few years now of me hardly shooting any of them at all. The problem there is that I actually really love the challenge. Senior sessions have the potential to be super cool and really show off personality but far too often they're overly corny and pretty expected. So - when Bella's mom called me and asked me to shoot her photos I couldn't say no. (It helps that she works along side another one of our favorite corporate clients so I was a bit obligated to say yes.) That said - I'm so glad I did. Bella was a blast, super laid back, perfectly confident, and totally willing to just embrace the fun. This session started during her lunch hour at school and we had her back before cheerleading practice so the pressure was on but I think it's safe to say - even in the middle of the harshest light of the day, even with a clock ticking in the back of my head... We nailed it. So excited for her to see all of her photos but for now - here's 25 of my favorites and my official notice : I'm taking on seniors again because this was definitely a fun break from the norm.


Adam + Liz
