There are a lot of places that I could start this story. I want you to be so prepared for the set of images that are below, I want you emotionally in the mind set that I was in when I took them. There are a lot of places on my bucket list as a photographer, a lot of destinations that I will one day go to with a camera and a story. So how did I end up in San Francisco with this beautiful, and kind couple? It was honestly by sheer selfishness. I will be honest with you all. Eden stressed with work and travel had to reschedule their engagement shoot. Sadly it was on the one weekend in August I was gone. Jokingly I texted her back and said it would be no problem to shoot their engagements then if she just wanted to meet me in San Francisco. Surprisingly the text I got back was a “well shoot, I would do that!”. I was honestly surprised, in further conversation she told me she trusted me completely and if the photos would be amazing she would jump on a plane with Jahir and meet us whenever, wherever. So fast forward a few weeks and all of us meet at the Golden Gate Bridge for sunrise. It was a moment that everyone there got to witness watching me, a wanderer just be in heaven with the fog, dark light, and a state I have dreamt of being in for years. Eden and Jahir spent six hours with us on a whirlwind shoot all over northern California. So for me this is one place on the bucket list checked off, and a client over the moon about their photos. I am excited to share the rest of their photos in another blog post soon. Aruba in November with these two will be another destination that I am thrilled to be put in and challenged with. If you have the desire to make your photos and your experience something different, give me a call. Lets go big and let go adventure! 


Slaying SENIOR SESSIONS in Northwest Arkansas.


Plymouth, Massachusetts Wedding. Aly + Johnny