Mallory + Matt

You know when you meet those people who are way smarter than you and you just marvel at them. Well that was me back in January shooting these two knockouts. Miles and I tagged teamed this engagement shoot of Mallory and Matt. I remember it well because it was about 30 degrees with 20 mph winds. These two were so inspiring to shoot. You will them snuggled up in almost every shot because it is literally freezing. Unfortunately, my Marmot jacket and Nikon were all I had to keep warm. ;) 

This sweet couple both come from jobs that really make a difference in the world, specifically the medical field. I truly do marvel at guys and girls who have the knowledge to save peoples lives. Matt shared a little about what he did, honestly it was so over my head I couldn't comprehend half of it. All I know is he is super smart and knows his way around the veins in our bodies. :) So cool. So smart.

These two are getting married in April and I couldn't be more excited for them. They are a beautiful couple and these pictures really capture their love well. They are magic. Congratulations Mallory and Matt! May God bless your marriage and the years ahead of you!

Enjoy this glimpse into the world of Mallory and Matt.


Rainy Engagement in Arkansas. Katie + John


Engaged in Arkansas. Hayley + Danny