JOSHUA TREE . Bailey + Thomas

I’ve started this blog 6 different times. I have put it on the back burner, I have avoided it, I have started, stopped, and neglected it. You may be thinking this sounds like a poor start to a beautiful story. You would be correct. I wish that story telling with my words on paper was a talent of mine. This is the reason I tend to shy away from blogs. The words and the insecurities come out. All that being said, I want to give a HUGE shout out to these two and thank them for being them. 

In order to do that I need to go back just a little bit. I met my girlfriend 3 years ago and never imagined I would gain a family that I call my own. I definitely didn’t think that I would find myself looking up to her little brother and his girlfriend’s relationship. The way that Thomas and Bailey interact is something amazing to watch. The way that Thomas is sweet, gentle, and willing to give up anything for her is inspiring to me. Bailey is one of the most supportive and witty people, and she is whole heartedly invested in her time with Thomas. I look forward to the days that Brooke and I are able to hang out with them and go on double dates with them. Knowing them the past three years, I feel like I knew when Thomas wanted to ask Bailey to be his wife while we were in L.A. I knew I would NEED to do an engagement shoot while we were out there. This is where I get to say thank you to the two of them. Even thought this engagement shoot took 6 hours of driving, there was rainy and unwanted weather, and a it was a little bit of a stressor finding some outfits, it all turned out to be more than a dream for me as a photographer. I have wanted to photograph in Joshua Tree for about a year now and I definitely wanted a couple that would just trust me to do what we needed to. Bailey and Thomas were just that and so much more. They allowed themselves to be emotional, genuine, and totally present with one another during this entire shoot. I want to end this blog by saying thank you one last time for being the kind of man, Thomas, that I look up to in my own relationship. You are the kind of friend to Bailey that I only hope I can be to your sister! To you sweet Bailey, the only other person I know who desires to be a part of this family as much as I hope to be one day, you did it girl!! Your genuine attitude and willingness to be present in a moment is inspiring to me as someone who is ALWAYS going 1000 miles an hour. Thank you both for pushing not just me, but all those who know you two!



Awesome vs. Awkward


It's Not Over.