Their Rainbow Baby . The Jones' Story

Without the rain, there would never be rainbows.

 I’m a wife, a mother, a boss, and most importantly, a sister-in-Christ. For the past seven years, I’ve owned Elysian Boutique in downtown Bentonville. Two years ago, we welcomed our first little girl, Devyn Rae Jones, into the world. The love you feel when you become a mother is the purest love there is. It’s one that will take your breath away.

 My name is Lisa Jones and this is our story.

If you’ve ever experienced the loss of a child, you understand the heaviness of the grief that overcomes you. The pain that the flesh feels is so deep that it can be hard to see a light shine.

October 14, 2018 was one of the worst days of my life. That morning, I journaled these words...
“I miscarried today. I never in my life have felt so alone. Even though I have the most amazing husband and this beautiful little girl staring up at me watching the tears fall down my face.... I feel alone. Because this life inside of me is gone. This dream of our family becoming a family of four in the spring is gone. This vision I started to build of the perfect nursery has now become a black hole with thoughts of what now? Is it really happening? Did you do something to cause this? Is the stress of owning a business too much?
Jess has been the most amazing husband. He has cared for me today and he has shown me love in ways I’ve never felt before. Devyn has hugged me and kissed me because she knows something just isn’t right. I’ve mourned. I am mourning. I’m bawling as I write these words. Will we try again? What if it happens all over? Why did this have to be a part of our story? I’m praying for understanding. I’m praying for peace. I’m praying for this bitterness to disappear. I’m afraid. Most of all, I’m heartbroken.”

I’m thankful for a husband that listened. He watched for my cues of sadness and allowed me to grieve.

I’m thankful for the women that work for me, that work next to me. I’m thankful for the way they have loved me and have allowed me to mourn our loss day in and day out. I’m thankful that not only did they sit beside me and watch the tears fall, they cried with me.

I’m thankful for the women who have also experienced this horrible part of motherhood, that no Mom should ever have to experience, because they understood my feelings and helped me navigate the sorrow.

Exactly one year later, on October 14, 2019, our rainbow baby, Lennon Grey Jones, entered the world. The minute they laid her on my chest and I looked into her eyes, I saw the ‘why’. I wouldn’t be holding her now if we hadn’t gone through the pain, through the heartbreak, through the loss. We now have another beautiful baby girl that is perfect in His eyes, and I’m so thankful even through extraordinary pain, His plan is perfect. Our family is now complete.

Thank you, Lord, for providing us with a loving family and wonderful friends to help guide us through the darkness.

“I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born” says The Lord. Isaiah 66:9.


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