For the Record. Megan + Austin

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
— Nietzsche

This wedding you guys. These people. This story. I don’t even know where to start. Megan + Austin are basically family these days. Megan and I have worked about a million weddings together - simply because she’s kind of the go to makeup artist in Arkansas. Her mom used to be my wife’s boss at the cutest little gift shop boutique way back before I even knew her in college. Her little sister was one of my first senior photo shoot. And then to top it all off when we partnered with G & G insurance this last year to give away a free wedding package these two won it! To say I wanted this wedding to be special for them was a huge understatement. She’s a gift giver through and through. She’s so poised and collected and organized and yet with him she’s sort of oddly just present and happy. I’m sure sometimes that’s not always the case but on this day she was just so happy to be the bride which was totally amazing to watch. He’s about the most laid back guy ever but he holds her with so much strength. This wedding wasn’t about some kind of wild party though we went pretty hard, it wasn’t about the decor though it was gorgeous, it wasn’t about the wedding party though they were freaking awesome. This wedding was so remarkably focused on the love that it was clear to everybody where their foundation was. I can’t wait to see the video that our guys did at this one but first - here’s a few of my very favorite moments!


A Moody kind of Monday.


Lost in the woods. Danielle + Coltin